Traveling Solo Exhibition based at Arlington Museum of Art (Ongoing
beginning in 2019)
Lecture at Nancy Littlejohn Fine Art, Houston, Texas for Collectors and
Critics on the work of Knox Martin.
Lecture at The Art Student’s League of New York on the work of Knox
Star Project sponsored by The Arlington Museum of Art (2015 – Ongoing). Artists from Texas painted on large fiberglass stars that were installed around the city of Arlington in various locales. The project began with a
show at the museum. Donray’s star is entitled “The Migration”. Migratory birds are flying through the night on one side and through the day on the other as a metaphor for the settlement of the city of Arlington.
“Artists in Motion” (a Solo Exhibition at The Arlington Museum of Art in
conjunction with theatrical and ballet costumes by award winning designers (2014).
Unveiling of “Trio Con Brio” at TCU Pepsico Hall, Fort Worth, Texas (2009). Three department chairs of the School of Music posed for the painting. The painting was later used as a CD cover for the first CD released
by the ensemble of the same name.
Last solo exhibition at The Rivington Gallery, London, UK (2006). The next
year, gallery director Harold Rubin retired closing the gallery. Harold died in 2020.
Solo exhibition at So Hyun Gallery on 57 th Street in New York (2000).
First solo exhibition in Europe at The Rivington Gallery, London, UK (1999).
Solo exhibition at Klara Kohl Gallery in Chelsea, New York (1998).
The bold text is used to note exhibitions accompanied by catalogue publication.
These catalogues are listed and discussed in the Biographical section.
2019- Ongoing Arlington, TX The Arlington Museum of Art; “Donray: Luminous
Confrontations”. Traveling show and still in progress. (see notes on this show below)*
2018 Arlington, TX Prestige-Pop; Downtown Arlington’s First Pop-Up
Gallery Series Featuring Donray; Curated by Christopher Hightower
2014 Arlington, TX The Arlington Museum of Art; “Artists in Motion”
Solo show in conjunction with costumes for Dallas Theater Center and Texas Ballet Theater and Casa Manana of Fort Worth by award winning designers
2010 Dallas, TX AT&T Winspear Opera House; CEO Netweavers, Guest Artist.
2009/10 Dallas/Fort Worth/ Steinway Hall; Special presentation of painting, Plano, TX Trio Con Brio in Steinway Hall locations.
2009 Fort Worth, TX Texas Christian University (TCU) School of Music; Unveiling of painting, Trio Con Brio, presented by The Dean of the College of Fine Arts on stage at
Pepsico Hall. (this painting was used later for the cover of a CD released in New York by the
ensemble of the same name).
2009 Fort Worth, TX Art N Form Gallery. “Donray”
2009 Dallas, TX “Fast, Furious and Luxurious”; Boardwalk Ferari-Maserati. Sponsored by Modern Luxury Magazine.
2008 Arlington, TX “DONRAY – Cross Section.” Arlington Museum of
2006 London, UK The Rivington Gallery. “Donray: Wild Things”
2006 Dallas, TX Delaney Vineyard: Special Private Exhibition
Organized by Durango Star LLC and sponsored by Merrill Lynch
2002 Fort Worth, TX Bruce Wood Studio; Special Private Exhibition
2000 New York, NY So Hyun Gallery, “Donray”.
1999 London, UK The Rivington Gallery; “Donray: New York and
1998 New York, NY Klara Kohl Gallery; “Donray: Visual Prayer”
1996 New York, NY Consulate of the Dominican Republic; Guest Artist Exhibition curated by Vicente Fabre
1994 New York, NY Mary Lou’s; Special Exhibition organized by Jules Hecht.
1992 Dallas, TX Citiplace; “Donray”
1992` Dallas, TX Exposition Showcase; Guest Artist Exhibition
1989 Dallas, TX V. Brooks Gallery. “Donray”
*The traveling solo exhibition based at the Arlington Museum of Art began at this
museum in 2019. After crates were constructed to contain the work and paperwork was
prepared for the show, it was interrupted by the pandemic but is still ongoing. The
webpage on the show at the museum is:
https://www.arlingtonmuseum.org/donray-landscapes-performers-and-birds .
2011 Arlington, TX The Arlington Museum of Art. “Mosaic”.
2010 Houston, TX The Art Car Museum. “Good Gulf”
2007 London, UK The Rivington Gallery. Exhibition marking 10th Anniversary of the gallery.
2007 Arlington, TX The Arlington Museum of Art. “City Limits”
2005 London, UK The Rivington Gallery. “Prints, Prints, Prints”.
2002 London, UK The Rivington Gallery. “Drawings”
2002 New York, NY Lauren Ellis Gallery.
2001 London, UK The Rivington Gallery. “Art in Environment”
2001 Dallas, TX The McKinney Avenue Contemporary. Invitational Exhibition.
2000 London, UK The Rivington Gallery. “UNICEF Benefit Show.
2000 Austin, TX Gremillion & Co. Fine Art.
1999 Houston, TX Gremillion & Co. Fine Art.
1999 London, UK The Rivington Gallery. “Knox Martin and Friends”
1998 Washington, DC The Ralls Collection. “Intimate Objects”.
1997 New York, NY Atelier 14.
1997 Houston, TX Gremillion & Co. Fine Art
1996 New York, NY Atelier 14
1993 Dallas, TX The Riker Group.
1991 Dallas, TX Beverly Gordon Gallery.
Those with bold text were video recorded.
2020 Arlington, TX The Arlington Museum of Art. Lecture on the Knox Martin Exhibition.
2019 Houston, TX Nancy Littlejohn Fine Art. Lecture on the work of
New York School artist, Knox Martin during a solo
show on him at that gallery.
2017 Arlington, Tx The Arlington Museum of Art. Lecture on the
artist’s work.
2015 New York, NY The Art Students League of New York. Lecture on
The work of Knox Martin in the main auditorium
by invitation from the League and the artist with the
artist present.
2014 Arlington, TX The Arlington Museum of Art. Lecture on the work
of Santa Fe artist, James Koskinas along with
a documentary film on the subject artist.
2011-13 Arlington, TX Park Row Children’s Center. Lectures on American
Artists including A program of children’s art based
on work of American artist, Dorothea Tanning that
was sent to the artist through her gallery in New
2009-11 Arlington, TX Park Row Children’s Center. Lectures on Old
2001 Arlington, TX University of Texas at Arlington. Lecture on the
Artist’s work to art class.